We would like to congratulate Cllr Mattie Heaven on being selected as the Parliamentary candidate for Coventry South. On behalf of Coventry Conservatives we would like to wish Mattie every success for her campaign and the next General Election.
Mattie has already started with her campaign and wanted to share this short message:
"I am delighted to have been selected as the Conservative candidate for Coventry South and want to thank everyone who supported me. It is a great honour to stand again for this wonderful part of the city. As you are no doubt aware, I stood as a candidate for this very seat in the 2019 general election, and reduced Labour's majority of 8,000 down to just 401. I know that we have a fight on our hands, but I am certain that together with your support, we will get us over the line and get the job done.
I am confident that we can defeat the Labour MP who has done nothing for Coventry South. This is our opportunity to elect an MP that will put Coventry first.
This is our opportunity to turn Coventry blue again."
If you want to help in any way through delivering leaflets, making phone calls, knocking on doors, organising events and raising funds, being a supporter on social media or helping with taking photos, please contact Cllr Barbara Mosterman, email [email protected].