Last night Coventry Conservatives' members and friends took part in a virtual quiz night, hosted by association officers Ryan Simpson and Mattie Heaven.
Members were put to the test on a range of subjects, covering geography, 80's music, statistics and even a round all about Coventry! Members especially enjoyed the minigames, whereby participants had to search for objects in their homes and bring them back to the screen to win points.
In the end, friends of Cllr. Julia Lepoidevin took the prize of a £10 Amazon voucher. They were closely followed by Chairman Pete Male, who made big gains in the music round and redeemed himself from the Christmas Quiz where he picked up the wooden spoon.
The night was enjoyed by everyone who came along and the quiz is one way we want to keep in touch with members during the pandemic. We can guarantee more nights like these are to come, keeping our spirits up as we head towards local elections!